
I have been challenged by several events regarding my patiotism. Let me offer an idea that may be unpopular with some. We have been studying Daniel lately at 12Stone and I have learned that I am a citizen of Heaven first and the United States of America second. When I was growing up I equated being American with being Christian. That is not necessarily true any more.

Most of my friends and connections are both Americans and Christians but I see a divergence of those two ideals and I think it will get worse before it gets better and if I have to choose, I choose to be a Christian first. This does not mean that I love my country less than before. I love my country. I love to hear the national anthem. I love to hear the words “welcome home” when I come back from traveling overseas. I love the men and women that fight for freedom for us and for those around the world.

I am a patriot but when I have to choose (and I have had to more and more) I choose my 1st citizenship responsibility in Heaven. I want to see my country come back to a true practice of Christianity. That is not fundamentalism but rather a relationship to Christ. Religion is an effort of man to reach to God but Christianity is not like that. If you want to discuss this more just call me. I would love to share a cup of coffee with some of these ideas. Go out tomorrow and vote. I hope you have done your homework and prepared for the monumental task of voting. It is an awesome responsibility. Go Vote!

Jerry Robertson