By Grace Alone
We forget that all the necessary work has been done for our salvation. Sometimes we strive to please God and I don’t want you to stop doing your best but please do it for the right reason. I heard it explained this way.
What is the difference between religion and Christianity? It is the same difference between ‘DO’ and ‘DONE’. Religion is something you DO. Christianity is about what Christ has already DONE. Do you see it? Do you understand the meaning of it? I have been thinking about this and today I read some of Ephesians and this is what I saw. It is by grace alone that we are saved.
When someone religious talks to us about doing this or doing that we need to remember that it may be a good thing to do but it does not affect our position in the Kingdom of God. We are saved by grace, not by works is what Paul says to the believers. I would go so far to say that if the religious person says anything other than this you need to examine their religion very carefully because it may not be what it seems to be. Now this does not give you a license to do whatever you want. Paul says that too but don’t confuse being obedient with being saved.
We are not judges. It is not our place to judge non-believers as some religions do. We are not attorneys. We can not argue anyone into right relationship with God. We are witnesses. We are to tell what we know from our experience, our seeing, our hearing. We are to live a life that is attractive to others. One of grace and peace as much as we can.
Remember that when someone confronts you with a ‘works’ theology. Come back to them with grace and peace and witness to them what God has done for you. That is our calling.
- Prisoners of Hope
- Stephen is off to Guatemala