Charlie Peacock – you gotta hear this guy

Let’s do something a little different. I am not sure how many of these there will be or when they will happen, but here is the first one. I love music. I love all kinds of music and this guy has several entries on my ‘favs’ list.

His name is Charlie Peacock, and he is a prolific writer, musician and just sounds like someone I would love to meet and have a coffee with. I was introduced to him by Donald Miller

 Here is one more that, I think, is spectacular. Check it out at about 3:55 for some great sounds of Louisiana.

Sharing music and people like this is one of the greatest things about the Internet. Free (or almost free) music to build a following. Giving more than you take. That is an economy that really does work.

If Charlie comes to town, I’ll do my best to be there. It really is a Good Life!!