Trust God

This one is out of my life right now. We are experiencing some pretty big challenges and I am talking to God more. That is how we operate sometimes. When I would ride a motorcycle and get in a difficult situation I would pray more. Life is like that. When things are going well we just seem to bump along on our own and even begin to think we are pretty good. 

Then something gets out of our control (like we ever had any in the first place) and we begin to panic and try to do everything we can think of to get things back under control and finally reach a point that we realize we never controlled it at all.

We are like that right now and frankly the last few days have been rough. I have had to go back to some basics. Here they are:

1. God Exists
2. I am not him
3. God Answers Prayer
4. God Love Me

Now that may not seem like a revelation to you but it is part of my journey today. I have to trust God. Most of us know the story of Job in the bible. He lost everything. Possessions, children, wealth, health. Everything. Yet in Job 19:25 he says “but as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives and that he will stand upon the earth at last.” 

That is confidence and trust in God. Job could not see the battle going on that we get to read about in the story but he knew that God could be trusted even if it did not feel like it at the time. Do we trust like that? I know I don’t have it under control but I am learning. 

No matter what happens I have to remember the 4 basics above and not let  life overwhelm me. I have my health, food, shelter and clothing. There is gas in the car and I even have a car!!! Who am I to worry?

What are you struggling with? Use this space if you like to share the struggles and how you are working on your trust in God in the midst of it. 

It’s a Good Life!!
Jerry W. Robertson
Chaplain of Caffeine