Fine, just fine!!

Devotion and Newsletter Article
April 2003
Fine, just fine!!!

I can’t claim all of this is from my own experience with God but I can tell you that God is in this and that I want to share what I have seen through this. How many times do you wish you had an opportunity to share God with those you meet? Are you looking for an opening and there just does not seem to be one? Sometimes we can make our own (with a little truth from God’s word).

How many times a day do you do the greeting ritual? You know, “Hi, how are you?” and then the response comes, “Fine, and you?”. Then we say, “Fine” as we walk on past the person. Did you really want to know how they are or are you just being polite? Are you really fine or did you just tell a lie? Are you worried about money, health, work, etc. and just say fine so you wouldn’t have to invest too much time here cause you got ‘places to go and people to see’?

Next time, try this. When you meet someone, say “Hi, how are you?” and then when they say, “Fine, and you?” the response now is “Better than I deserve!!”. Say it with a smile cause it’s true. We are better than we deserve. We deserve death and hell but we are saved by Jesus Christ and His sacrifice through His love. Now you have a chance to share Christ love and sacrifice because you will get a reaction from those you try this on. I guarantee it. Most of the time it is a chuckle or sometimes an outright laugh. Occasionally someone agrees with you and you can be pretty sure they are a brother or sister cause they know what you are talking about. Once in a while you get a funny look like you are crazy. We all deserve more than we have, don’t we? At least that is what the world would have us believe.

This is about finding a way to open the door to the person. Many times we are so busy doing our thing that we don’t see the chances God gives us. This gives us a couple of things. We get to reflect frequently on what we deserve and what we would get if it weren’t for God’s love and we get to share that truth with others.

Give it a try and see what happens. You will be amazed if you do. By the way, this comes from Dave Ramsey, financial counselor on the radio. I heard this phrase from him when he answered phone calls on his radio show. He gives pretty good advice and I have enjoyed using this over the last month or so. The reaction has been revealing. Don’t be concerned that others will think you strange cause we are supposed to be a stranger in this world. IN the world, not OF the world. This is not our home so perhaps our language, greeting and actions are SUPPOSED to set us apart. Make us appear a little strange. Hmmmm. I guess it’s working.

Better than I deserve,

Jerry Robertson